Feb 11
A Guide to Pest Control in Forests
UK Entomology provides A Guide to Pest Control in Forests to help people study for the test to become certified pesticide/herbicide...

Sep 28, 2024
SURVEY: Invasive Plant Management in Kentucky Woodlands
We know that invasive species are a challenge for land managers and woodland owners across our state and we are working together to...

Sep 21, 2021
Laurel Wilt Disease
Laurel wilt is caused by a fungus that is spread by the wood-boring ambrosia beetle, both are considered exotic, invasive species. Mainly...

Sep 2, 2021
Oak Lace Bug Alert
​As some of you may have noticed, we are experiencing an issue with browning oak trees in the northern region of the state. The culprit...

Apr 1, 2021
New Resource on Invasive Species
Eastern hemlock, American chestnut, sassafras, redbay, every member of the ash family, and many others are plagued by non-native invasive...