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2023 Revised & Updated Agenda for KWOA Annual Meeting


Kentucky Woodland Owners Association 2023 Annual Meeting Agenda

*** All Times Are CDT ***

Monday March 27, 2023

1:00PM – 2:30PM Tour of the Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery

 6:00PM – 8:00PM Carbon Credit Panel Discussion:                                 Jacob Muller, UK

                                                                                                                           Jack Rentz, KWOA

                                                                                                                           Jimmy Sizemore, KWOA

                                                                                                                           Harry Pelle, KWOA


Tuesday March 28, 2023

8:00AM—9:00AM      Registration at Lake Cumberland Conference Center

9:00AM—9:45AM      Opening Remarks & Crowd Sourcing* Doug McLaren, KWOA

9:45AM—10:15AM       Bird Watching Laurie Thomas, UK

10:15AM—10:30AM     Break

10:30AM—11:00AM     Wildlife Viewing KY Dept. of Fish & Wildlife

11:00AM—11:30AM     Medicinal &Edible Plants Jennifer Caudill, NRS

11:30AM—1:00PM       Lunch (Provided)

1:00PM—1:30PM         Farm Ponds Marcy Anderson, KDFWR

1:30PM—2:15PM         Wildernesses Safety & Survival Craig Caudill, NRS

2:15PM—3:00PM         Trail Construction & Maintenance Matt Able, USFS

3:00PM—3:15PM         Break

3:15PM—3:45PM Carbon Credit Updates KWOA

4:00PM—6:00PM Social Time & Silent Auction

6:30PM—9:00PM Banquet

                           6:30-7:30 Dinner

                           7:30-8:00 Keynote Address                                          Jon Schultz, NRCS

                           8:00-8:45 Presentation of Awards                              Doug McLaren, KWOA

                           8:45-9:00 Closing Remarks                                          Doug McLaren, KWOA


Wednesday March 29, 2023

9:00AM – 9:10AM         Opening Remarks Doug McLaren, KWOA

9:10AM – 9:30AM         What’s Happening in Your Basin Brian Storz, KDOW

9:30AM – 9:45AM         Forest Health Update Ellen Crocker, UK

9:45AM – 11:00AM Partners Reports

11:15AM – 12:00PM KWOA/KWOF Business Meeting** Doug McLaren, KWOA

12:00PM                        Meeting Adjourns


12:00PM – 2:00PM     Board of Director’s Meeting* * Open to All

 *Sporting Clays had to cancel due to unforeseen post-Covid rescheduling issues 

 **New Committees Forming—Sign up at registration/info table or talk with any KWOA/F Director

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